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Our instruments

The NMR facility is dedicated to researchers with a wide range of backgrounds, from organic synthesis to NMR methodology, while also being open to external industrial users. It combines a wide range of equipment, enabling both routine structural analysis in organic synthesis and advanced methodological developments.

The NMR facility is equipped with 6 spectrometers located in Nancy (FST Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy) and Metz (ICPM Technopôle), which are made available to specific laboratories and/or as services. Some of the equipment is freely accessible after user training, or is available by prior arrangement.

NMR SpectrometerLocalisationNMR
in solution
in solid form
Bruker Avance III 600 NancyYesYesYesBy appointment only
Bruker Avance III « 400 direct »NancyYesNoNoOpen access / Availability of services
Bruker Avance III « 400 inverse »NancyYesNoNoOpen access
Bruker Avance Neo Nanobay 400MetzYesNoNoAvailability of services
Bruker Avance III HD 300NancyYesYesNoBy appointment only
Bruker Avance Biospec 24/40NancyNoNoYesBy appointment only