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Our Expertise

NMR is a recognised analytical tool. It is used every day by researchers to monitor reactions and to identify or verify structures.

Image representing a proton NMR spectrum of a natural substance.
Proton spectrum (a) of a natural substance (b).
DOSY experiment of a mixture composed of micelles, glucose and water.
Analytical separation of a mixture
of compounds according to their diffusion coefficient.
A mixture of micelles (bottom),
glucose (middle) and water (top)

Image representing several solid-state NMR spectra of carbon-13 of hexamethylbenzene: "raw", with decoupling and with decoupling and rotation at the magic angle.
(a) ‘Raw’ 13C solid spectrum of hexamethylbenzene.
(b) Decoupled spectrum.
(c) Spectrum with decoupling and
rotation at the magic angle.
Image representing temperature and speed maps in glycerol as well as a section of the anterior part of a mouse.

Top: Temperature and velocity
in glycerol.
Bottom: Cross-sectional image of the
of a mouse.

The NMR facility is equipped for all routine experiments, in the liquid or solid phase, in 1D or 2D, at different magnetic fields. In addition to these activities, the NMR facility also offers more specific experiments, including:

  • NMR of paramagnetic solids
  • Follow-up of functionalisations
  • Temperature NMR (-50°C to 600°C)
  • Quantitative measurements
  • MRI
  • Spin relaxation and self-diffusion coefficient measurements

CRM2 Lab Logo
LEMTA Lab logo

Furthermore, we provide training in the operation of NMR equipment.