Technische Eigenschaften
14.4 T “Ultrashield Plus” magnet with large bore (89mm)
Avance III console with 4 transmission channels and 2 separate receivers
Linux-based processing workstation with Topsin 3.2 and Paravision 5.1
Used for liquid-phase NMR, solid-phase NMR, diffusion measurements and micro-imaging (resolution down to 20µm per voxel).
Instrument auf Reservierung verfügbar
- BBFO 5 mm probe: dual resonance, 1H, 2H and X nuclei, direct detection of heteronuclei (including 19F), Z 50 G/cm gradients, automatic probe tuning
- TBI 5 mm probe: triple resonance, 1H, 2H, 13C and X nuclei, inverse detection of heteronuclei, Z 50 G/cm gradients
- BBO 10 mm probe: double resonance, 1H, 2H and X nuclei, direct detection of heteronuclei, Z 20 G/cm gradients
- 4 mm DVT probe: triple resonance 1H/X/Y, rotation at the magic angle of the sample
- 2.5 mm DVT probe: double resonance 1H/X, rotation at the magic angle of the sample
- 1.3 mm DVT probe: triple resonance 1H/X/Y, rotation at the magic angle of the sample
- MicWB40 probe: gradients XYZ 150 G/cm, coils 1H 25 mm in quadrature, 1H/13C 10 mm, 1H/13C 5 mm, 1H surface 2 cm, 23Na 25 mm
- MicWB57 probe: gradients XYZ 45 G/cm, coil 1H 40 mm in quadrature
- Diff30 probe: gradient Z 1800 G/cm, coil 1H 5 mm, coil 1H/13C 5 mm, coil 1H 10 mm
- BCU-X air cooler
- RHEO-NMR rheology device with Couette cells and cone-plane.